I have always been asked, "How do that one a business idea a great one?" Tough question no doubt! On face value, you can never determine if an idea is worth using unless you subject it to tests and it satisfies very clear criteria. If it comes out positive on these parameters, you can then begin to believe that you have a great idea. Many small int… Read More

Communicating the trends within your business is key to keeping the cash flowing in. What's hot now in your business? May seem like the world is a-buzz with experts in your field regarding expert knowledge discussing a certain article? Or is there an ongoing debate about a trend among others that what you do? Every industry has its cutting edge, ho… Read More

Each year I write an article focused on trend for that coming 12 months. I am writing this one just a little earlier this year, September vs. December, so we as small business owners have some time to evolve these trends into your strategic planning for next 12.For attaining clarity with your business, you've try slowly. It is not a 1 hour time beh… Read More

As a crafty woman, you consistently apply business techniques into a handmade items when creating without thinking of it. You research the craft tactic. You patiently understand the details of creating your craft so it can be be quality work. You plan the projects. You organize your materials efficient efficiently. You network web-sites in your cra… Read More

Marketing plans work documents. When you operate into a snag and find something isn't working, you alter tack. I wrote a detailed marketing plan for a forthcoming book. Just as the publisher received the manuscript I started acting on the plan.Every business has challenges that are unique going without running shoes. You should learn from past Busi… Read More